It was at the beginning of this year that the verse “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9) came up several times, and so
it has become my verse for 2010.
Also you will know from our recent newsletter that I have taken on the role of managing the MAF Guest House. I know it is something God has called me to do and there are many aspects of the job I enjoy.
However, I am also finding there are certain aspects of the role where I feel inexperienced and out of my comfort zone. In particular I am challenged by the financial and IT aspects of the job. There have been times this past month where Satan has tried to discourage me with thoughts such as, ‘ you will never match up to the people you are replacing’, ‘you are really not skilled in that area are you’, ‘ is this really the role for you?’.
I have been reminded of a couple of things this weak.
Firstly, when Satan is trying really hard to discourage me, then I am probably doing exactly what God wants me to do right now.
Secondly, I have taken on roles for sometime that have been ‘comfortable’ for me, roles where I can use the God given gifts and skills that come naturally. In Gods timely way he has led our ladies Bible study to be focusing on the book of 2 Timothy right now. Timothy was timid and young. He did not always feel equipped for the task God had called him to do and yet Paul encouraged him with these words,
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self discipline.” (2 Tim 1:7)
God sometimes calls us out of our comfort zones into places that will stretch us because in these places we are forced to rely on His strength and power and not our own. In that way His name is glorified and we grow closer in our relationship with Him. I am in that place right now and just maybe he is calling you into something new too?